We all have tricky ways of deflecting when positive things come our way. It can take practice to become a gracious receiver and Fish Pose is a really simple way to start. All month OWY teachers are exploring Receiving and Fish Pose!
Read MoreKnit fast, die warm. If we have the apocalypse, I'm your girl as long as you like electric raspberry.
Read MoreRecently I've really been into photography. Nature kinda does all the hard work for you, all you have to do is show up in the right place at the right time, and be willing to get dirty
Read MoreIt's strange to be introducing myself in the context of this project where I've been introducing everyone else, but here goes...
Read MoreArt much like yoga brings our souls out of the darkness and into the light.
Read MoreFor me art has always been having the ability to remove the yuck from inside and throw it on a "canvas."
Read MoreTo me poetry and photography seek to say what can't be said and yet we try, through steady attention and clear intention something emerges.
Read MoreI didn't start making art until I was in my 30's, and truthfully I'm not even comfortable calling it art. It started out as an overwhelming urge to stand against the bombing in Afghanistan.
Read Morewhen I am in a creative flow I am infinite
there are no bounds to the potentialities
that lay beneath my fingertips
the power of my hands, my gaze, my voice
I am limitless
I used to have these memories that when I remembered them flooded me with this horrible, hot sense of shame.
Read MoreYou've been reading our lists... You've identified some of yourself in our lists... You've been thinking about what vulnerabilities you have that you would NEVER admit to. It's time. Just do it.
Read MoreI arrive in a state of vulnerability every day. I expose my feelings, my emotions, my heart, my face. Each time I practice yoga, teach, paint, communicate and exist in community--I am vulnerable.
Read MoreI have a difficult time feeling worthy of the truly amazing group of souls that I get to call friends. It blows me away on a regular basis.
Read MoreTaking off the mask.
Allowing oneself to be exposed, seen, heard and felt.
Fear of knowing my truth, of knowing myself, Fear of self.
Uncertainty, lack of self-knowledge, unknowingness of who I am.
Vulnerability: A Satirical, but Honest, Review of the Experiences That Make Me Feel Like I’d Rather Be Sitting in a Burning House With the Roof About to Cave in Than Actually Write This Shit.
Read MoreThe past few weeks I’ve been contemplating Compassion as the agreed upon theme for month of February…When I read Judith’s words it became clear to me: I do not have a strong experience of compassion for self.
Read MoreI noticed my mind thinking things like, “Stupid body, why can’t you just do what you are supposed to do (not poop every few minutes), so I can do what I am supposed to do (teach my yoga class)?” As if my body were separate from this “me” I imagine.
Read MoreI have struggled with feelings of shame over the things I love. For one, I pole dance. I always admired pole dancers for their physical strengthen and their gracefulness
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