Limitless Project: Erin Percy
Huron is a beautiful town! Erin is the second artist (after Brian Henderson) to make Huron the focal point of her art for OWY's Limitless Project.
Have you ever had a practice that was something as simple as walking to the water every day? If so, you know how healing and grounding this sort of pilgrimage can be. As Erin has worked her way back to a feeling of wholeness after the death of her twin 3 years ago, a pilgrimage-type practice has emerged. She walks to the water with her dogs almost every morning. Whenever lake magic appears Erin pulls out her phone and snaps a pic. These pictures document the life that has shown up for her. She shares these moments along with authentic and inspirational thoughts @erinpercyflows on Instagram. Check out her IG for more!
-Shannon Leigh
Erin on her art: I've always been interested in a variety of projects. It's just fun to create. Drawing came very naturally to me at a very young age and I drew all the time.
I entered art shows and all that, but I guess one day I was onto something else. It's nice creating when it's just for yourself or a gift to a friend bc you get to focus on the joy of it all.
Recently I've really been into photography. Nature kinda does all the hard work for you, all you have to do is show up in the right place at the right time, and be willing to get dirty or maybe climb some rocks or trees which is super fun.
There are billions of things to snap when you get outside so your options are limitless. Cool sign. Weird log. Fun cloud. I think everyone can be an artist. You just gotta figure out what you want to create. Whether it's words, sand statues, etc. I think the world could be a whole lot more creative once we stop putting others opinions before desire to create.
Erin's OWY Schedule
8:30 - 9:45 AM Yoga Flow (Norwalk)
6:00 - 7:00 AM Yoga Flow (Huron)
9:00 - 10:15 AM Sculpt Yoga (Huron)