Open Way Yoga Paddle
Come water exploring with your friends at OWY.
2023 Paddling Dates: TBD
Time of day and location are to be determined based on weather and availabilities. We will be choosing a different location between Vermilion and Sandusky for each ride so we can explore and take advantage of the beautiful waters in our area. This is a super inclusive group. All levels of boarders from beginners to experts are invited to the fun. There will be music and breaks for picnics and play. Join us in the family fun!
Tune into our FB page for time and location announcements as well as regular updates and fun!

Collaboration with The City of Sandusky
We love Sandusky and are thrilled to be collaborating with Sandusky Rec. Yoga on Jackson St. Pier to kick off your Saturday mornings, Tai Chi with Brian on Wednesday mornings and Green House Yoga with Keelie on Wednesday evenings.. Follow the link below for a full schedule with event details!

Grief Group for Significant Loss
On hiatus while Erin is in massage school. Check back later this spring. Community gathering to offer mutual support in navigating the grief of significant loss. While we understand that there are many forms of grief this group is specific to death related grief. We meet monthly on Mondays, inquire for details: Call or text Erin at (419) 357- 4287.

Paddle Board Yoga
Thursday Evenings 7:00 - 9:00ish p
Rock on the water, breathe the fresh air and learn to move with it all as we guide you through the basics of paddle boarding and lead a basic paddle board yoga practice.
Pricing: Dual Membership Pass holders: Paddle Board yoga and board rental is included in the membership at no additional charge.
OWY Passholders: Yoga is included with your membership, BYOBoard or rent one from Lake Erie Adventure Co. for $25
Non Passholders:Yoga is $20. BYOBoard or rent one from Lake Erie Adventure Co. for $25.
We do not paddle if it is cold or rainy! Check the top of the page for weather related cancellations. Cancellations will be posted by 6:00 PM on the nights yoga is scheduled.

Get Crafty at OWY
Details for 2023 crafting coming soon! !Let’s spend time with friends and make things together!This monthly community crafting event will be hosted by Andrea Petersen - OWY teacher and fiber artist. Andrea will be sharing her skills and passion for working with fiber and fabric to create beautiful and functional works of art.
Fiber arts are only one type of crafting! BYO supplies and materials and join us with any craft under the sun.
Free for all.