You've been reading our lists... You've identified some of yourself in our lists... You've been thinking about what vulnerabilities you have that you would NEVER admit to. It's time. Just do it.
Read MoreOne major way our perceived inadequacies block some of us is in our connections with other people…Our process last month involved encouraging each other (and you) to get a little more comfortable…This process can be key to unlocking a sense of belonging.
Read MoreI arrive in a state of vulnerability every day. I expose my feelings, my emotions, my heart, my face. Each time I practice yoga, teach, paint, communicate and exist in community--I am vulnerable.
Read MoreI have a difficult time feeling worthy of the truly amazing group of souls that I get to call friends. It blows me away on a regular basis.
Read MoreTaking off the mask.
Allowing oneself to be exposed, seen, heard and felt.
Fear of knowing my truth, of knowing myself, Fear of self.
Uncertainty, lack of self-knowledge, unknowingness of who I am.
Vulnerability: A Satirical, but Honest, Review of the Experiences That Make Me Feel Like I’d Rather Be Sitting in a Burning House With the Roof About to Cave in Than Actually Write This Shit.
Read MoreI still get nervous when I teach… Every time I teach.
Read MoreI have struggled with feelings of shame over the things I love. For one, I pole dance. I always admired pole dancers for their physical strengthen and their gracefulness
Read MoreI carry immense guilt for both of my brothers passing. I think if I had been a stronger role model my little brother might have made better life choices and would still be alive. I think if I had acted faster and gotten my twin the help he needed, he'd still be alive.
Read MoreI listen to all kinds of stuff, but in the past few years I transitioned from being strongly anti hip-hop into an avid fan of hip-hop…I’m talking about the type that inspired the parent advisory labels in the record industry.
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