I like to think of Eagle Pose as a self-hug... and it is so much more! Strengthening, stabilizing, focus building, shoulder and back-of-heart opening.
Read MoreThe past few weeks I’ve been contemplating Compassion as the agreed upon theme for month of February…When I read Judith’s words it became clear to me: I do not have a strong experience of compassion for self.
Read MoreContrary to popular opinion love does not move from the outside in, from others into us. Love is an experience that radiates from the inside out.
Read MoreWhat we practice in ourselves shines through to others. Yet, for many of us our feelings about ourselves and our bodies are less than compassionate.
Read MoreI noticed my mind thinking things like, “Stupid body, why can’t you just do what you are supposed to do (not poop every few minutes), so I can do what I am supposed to do (teach my yoga class)?” As if my body were separate from this “me” I imagine.
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