Class Notes 2
Everyone has been practicing hard, so today you get a video treat! They are educational, I swear.
1. Here's one by Yoga Master Paulie Zink, an auto mechanic who teaches out of his garage. I find the organic way he practices inspiring and when in the privacy of my home, I try to imitate him. I bet he is as sweet as pie. And although he is the teacher of the founders of Yin Yoga, his practice in this video does not represent the way Yin is typically practiced, loooonnnnng held deep poses.
2. This silent film features the "grandfather" of modern yoga, T. Krishnamacharya. We toss lots of names of yoga styles and people around the studio and I know it can be hard to keep track of who's who, so maybe some visuals will help. Krishnamacharya was the teacher of Iyengar and also of Patthabi Jois, the founder of Astanga Yoga. In a way, he moves throgh his practice in much the same way as Paulie. It's not hard to imagine how Vinyasa Flow (the fluid linking of poses with breath) came from this man.
3. Speaking of Astanga, it's a good week for getting a dose of Kelly Rose at the studio. She is our local Astanga representative, only a few generations away from Patthabi Jois. She teaches every Monday morning at 7:30 am as well as this Wednesday night (and every other Wednesday) at 6pm. She will be subbing for my Sunday morning class on the 19th at 9 am. Kelly will be on maternity leave in the winter, so catch her while you can. Astanga is an excellent practice and Kelly is a very experienced yogi and teacher.
4. And for pure entertainment, something by DJ Dave. Completely unrelated to yoga, it's a funny, rap-esque spoof on Whole Foods.