Featured Pose: Revolved Triangle

Parivrtta Trikonasana
(Revolved Triangle Pose)

Revolved triangle is a challenging pose, but working with it can quickly improve your strength, balance and flexibility.  The pose strengthens and stretches almost the entire body.  With simple modifications this advanced pose can be practiced by people of all abilities, gradually working to a deeper level.

Brian says:  

In addition to a well placed block, my favorite modification (even if you are an advanced practitioner) is to widen (not lengthen) the stance and allow the back heel to come off of the ground, as if in a lunge.  This allows the hips to be aligned properly toward the front.  The heel can then be slowly lowered back to the ground as the body opens.  Another reason I like this modification is that it makes for a good launch-off into an even more difficult pose, Rotated Half Moon!  Consider yourself warned.  (insert smiley face here.)

Revolved Triangle Benefits:

  • Strengthens and stretches legs, hips and spine

  • Stretches the muscles between the ribs

  • Good for mild back pain

  • Stimulates abdominal organs

Revolved Triangle Warnings:

If you have a back or spine injury you should avoid this pose or only practice with an experienced teacher.

Also avoid this pose if you have:

  • Migraine/Headache

  • Diarrhea

If you're new to OWY Focus Pose of the Month:
This a way to give our students a way of expanding their yogic learning and deepening their understanding of specific asanas.  These poses will not necessarily be included in every class, but you may notice the focus pose, support poses and counter poses recurring in different classes with different teachers representing their own personal perspectives.  We hope that this will give students a chance to more thoroughly learn poses from a variety of vantage points.  

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