Featured Pose: Cow-Faced Pose

Cow faced pose is useful to the entire system - both the physical body and the subtle energy body.  On a physical level, cow faced pose is a foundational seated pose that works both the shoulders and the hips.   According to the Pradipika, when doing this asana “...prana is directed and accumulated in the mooladhara chakra.” (p.72)  This means that the foucs of this pose in our physical and spiritual bodies is the the pelvic floor.  The arm bind also seals the central energy channel which allows energy to cycle throughout the body as you hold the pose.  This is a potent pose and well worth mastering!  

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Brian says: 
While traveling in India, a Sadhu there kept telling me he wanted me to have a yoga class with him.  After weeks of him him badgering me, I agreed.  He took me into a giant open room where the Sadhus slept.  Liike a big gymnasium or cafeteria.  He sat down on his sleeping mat, put his legs into cow-faced pose and clasped his hands around his top knee.  He then looked me square in the eye and said, “Meditation pose.”  That was the entire lesson.

I’ve done this pose many times both before and after the Sadhu’s “lesson.  It has many incredible benefits, but I’ve never been able to figure one thing out.  The pose is called Gomukhasana because you are supposed to look like the face of a cow when you do it.  I don’t see it at all.  Can anyone help me out here?

Cow Faced Pose Benefits:

  • Stretches the ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders, armpits and triceps

  • Expands the chest

  • Helps regulate hormonal secretions

Cow Faced Pose Warnings:

  • Avoid this pose if you have severe neck or shoulder issues

Modifications for Cow Faced Pose:
Because this pose is very challenging for tight shouldered people and anyone with a lot of upper body muscle mass, a strap can be useful.  Hold it in the upper hand and grab it with the hand behind your back, gradually work your hands closer together on the strap.  For tight hips, if you have trouble squaring your sit bones on the floor (which causes your spine to curve), sit up on a blanket.  This can help level you off and support the sit bones evenly.

If you're new to OWY Focus Pose of the Month:
This a way to give our students a way of expanding their yogic learning and deepening their understanding of specific asanas.  These poses will not necessarily be included in every class, but you may notice the focus pose, support poses and counter poses recurring in different classes with different teachers representing their own personal perspectives.  We hope that this will give students a chance to more thoroughly learn poses from a variety of vantage points.